leaders interview
Annual Financial & Real Estate Industry Leader Interview Forum

Bring together top experts and industry leaders in the financial and real estate industry to accurately grasp the latest issuers, trends and opportunities under the Pandemic, to escort your investment and business, let us work together to foresee a beautiful and challenging future!
Latest Event
Topic: The Investment Opportunities of Supply Chain Logistics Warehousing Industrial Commercial Real Estate.
Date & Time:
14:30 PST Sunday, January 23rd, 2022
Zoom Webinar, Interview and Q&A;
Speaker: Nancy Wei, Sara Zhang and Eric Aderneck
Past Event
A New World After Covid: Challenges & Opportunities in 2021
Host: Genesis Manna(GM) Financial & Real Estate Intelligence.
Event ONE:
Topic: The yesterday, today and future of Vancouver Real Estate Market
Date & Time:
10:30 – 11:45am
Wednesday, November 25th, 2020
Speaker: Tim Loo
If you want to know what Richmond looks like 4:00 am in the morning, Tim will be the right person to tell you. Jogging in Richmond before dawn has been his habit for over 40 years.
Tim is the Former COO and Co- Founder of Omicron Vancouver; and currently an investor and Real Estate developer. Tim started his first 20-year career working as a structure engineer at Bentall. His notable projects included Bentall IV, Richmond City Halls, and Richmond Centre. He then spent his 2nd 20-years establishing and developing Omicron. As a founder of Omicron in 1998, Tim built the largest integrated real estate development, architecture, engineering and general contracting firm in Western Canada. His 40 years of experience in real estate industry spanning residential, industrial and the commercial asset classes makes Tim a great industry leader and expertise in the real estate investment of Vancouver.
- Overview the past 40 years of Vancouver real estate market, including history, cycles, performance and trends.
- Major factors that make Vancouver market unique.
- Current situations/challenges in term of sectors (residential, office, industrial…) and Covid’s impacts to local real estates.
- Opportunities from your point of views after Covid.
- Common misunderstanding and challenges for real estate developments.
Event TWO:
Topic: The Biggest and Fastest Change After Covid – Almost Everything Goes Online: Emerging Logistics Trends and Impacts to Real Estate Industry
Date & Time:
15:30 – 16:45am, Tuesday, December 1st, 2020 (Vancouver)
6:30 – 7:45am, December 2nd, 2020 (Beijing)
Zoom, Interview and Q&A
English & Mandarin
Host & Translator:
Jonathan Lu
Glenn Ross
Chain Logistic Senior Consultant
Over 200 days of a year spent on the plane for business traveling, senior executives and consultants of supply chain logistics.
Glenn is an experienced businessman, advisor, and consultant university graduate with majors in Transport Economics, Business Economics and Economics, and has successfully led and managed supply chains and related functions in Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, China, U.S., and Canada. He has provided strategic, investment and tactical advice and support to the Retail, Shipping, Rail, Manufacturing, Ports, State, Healthcare, Liquor and Transportation industries, among others.
Event THREE:
Topic: Vancouver Economy with Real Estates: the Industrial Land Crisis, Protection, and Opportunities
Date & Time:
10:30 – 11:45am, Tuesday, December 8th 2020
Zoom Webinar, Interview and Q&A;
English & Mandarin
Eric Aderneck
Senior Planner, Metro Vancouver
Eric Aderneck is a Registered Professional Planner, with eighteen years of diverse experience working for the public and private sectors in the Metro Vancouver region through a number of different capacities including planning policy, real estate development, consultant, and academic instructor.
At Metro Vancouver he leads the industrial lands portfolio, which includes the recent completion of the Regional Industrial Lands Strategy, a comprehensive update of the Regional Industrial Lands Inventory, and review of Regional Growth Strategy industrial and employment policies. He has authored a number of leading publications about industrial lands intensification / densification.
The coming interviews will continue to introduce exciting content from Financial & Real Estate industry leaders!
Stay tuned!